What is Truth?



INDOCTRINATION.pdf (5,6 MB) Approved by Course Co-ordinator, Dr. E. K. Senah

Freire & the Marxist perspective

 https://www.marxists.org/subject/education/freire/pedagogy/index.htm (Feire)

What is the "banking" concept of education?  What is an "open" mind?

What is the role of schools as institutions?  How do we educate for freedom?  

https://www.marxists.org/subject/education/index.htm (Marxism)

Module 9  VALUES

Where do our values/morals come from? www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_j43qoY7dw&feature=related

Selwyn Cudjoe's discussion  The values Imperative https://www.trinidadandtobagonews.com/blog/?p=488


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